
We are a group of local pastors and ministers who want to see the greater Fort Hood area saturated with 24-hour prayer, by believers from around the community. We are inviting all churches, ministries, businesses and other organizations to engage in this endeavor with us.

The model we have chosen, after considerable research, is one that was originally developed by Pastor Trey Kent at AustinPrays.org, and which has been adopted by AmericaPrays.org. To get an idea of how it works, please take a few moments to watch this 3-minute video: https://www.americaprays.org/videos/


Each organization selects one day (or half a day) per month, and fills that day with volunteers who sign up to pray for one hour (or half an hour). They can pray individually or in groups… however they prefer.

We believe this model is simple, workable, and sustainable. Austin has been covered by unceasing prayer for over 10 years. We are honored to be in partnership with AustinPrays, and with AmericaPrays, whose vision is for every city in America to have round-the-clock prayer 365 days a year.

To view our current local prayer calendar, please click the button below:

For additional information, or to sign up your group, please give us a call or send us a message through our contact page.